Simple Present, Past & Prefect Exercises
Simple Present, Past & Prefect Exercises
1. The IT department ______ the network issues recently.
has fixed
a) fixes (repariert)
b) fixed (reparierte)
c) has fixed (hat repariert)
2. Employees ______ a training session yesterday.
a) attend (besuchen)
b) attended (besuchten)
c) have attended (haben besucht)
3. The marketing team ______ multiple campaigns this season.
has created
a) creates (erstellt)
b) created (erstellte)
c) has created (hat erstellt)
4. The company ______ a new product last month.
a) launches (startet)
b) launched (startete)
c) has launched (hat gestartet)
5. The CEO ______ all the company branches this year.
has visited
a) visits (besucht)
b) visited (besuchte)
c) has visited (hat besucht)
6. The sales team ______ over 100 clients last quarter.
a) contacts (kontaktiert)
b) contacted (kontaktierte)
c) has contacted (hat kontaktiert)
7. The HR department ______ 20 new employees this quarter.
has hired
a) hires (stellt ein)
b) hired (stellte ein)
c) has hired (hat eingestellt)
8. The HR department ______ recruitment efforts this year.
has increased
a) increases (erhöht)
b) increased (erhöhte)
c) has increased (hat erhöht)
9. The finance team ______ annual budgets every year.
a) prepares (bereitet vor)
b) prepared (bereitete vor)
c) has prepared (hat vorbereitet)
10. The manager ______ the project report last week.
a) reviews (prüft)
b) reviewed (prüfte)
c) has reviewed (hat geprüft)
11. The finance team ______ the budget for next year.
has prepared
a) prepares (bereitet vor)
b) prepared (bereitete vor)
c) has prepared (hat vorbereitet)
12. The logistics team ______ products to customers daily.
a) ships (versendet)
b) shipped (versendete)
c) has shipped (hat versendet)
13. Employees ______ weekly meetings to discuss progress.
a) attend (besuchen)
b) attended (besuchten)
c) have attended (haben besucht)
14. The company ______ three new products this year.
has launched
a) launches (startet)
b) launched (startete)
c) has launched (hat gestartet)
15. The logistics team ______ all orders on time last week.
a) ships (versendet)
b) shipped (versendete)
c) has shipped (hat versendet)
16. The IT department ______ the company’s network.
a) maintains (wartet)
b) maintained (wartete)
c) has maintained (hat gewartet)
17. The marketing team ______ a successful campaign last summer.
a) creates (erstellt)
b) created (erstellte)
c) has created (hat erstellt)
18. The sales team ______ over 500 clients this month.
has contacted
a) contacts (kontaktiert)
b) contacted (kontaktierte)
c) has contacted (hat kontaktiert)
19. The HR department ______ new employees when needed.
a) hires (stellt ein)
b) hired (stellte ein)
c) has hired (hat eingestellt)
20. The CEO ______ the European branch last month.
a) visits (besucht)
b) visited (besuchte)
c) has visited (hat besucht)
21. The manager ______ all the reports for this quarter.
has reviewed
a) reviews (prüft)
b) reviewed (prüfte)
c) has reviewed (hat geprüft)
22. The finance team ______ budgets for each department.
a) prepares (bereitet vor)
b) prepared (bereitete vor)
c) has prepared (hat vorbereitet)
23. The company ______ new products every quarter.
a) launches (startet)
b) launched (startete)
c) has launched (hat gestartet)
24. The logistics team ______ all orders on time this week.
has shipped
a) ships (versendet)
b) shipped (versendete)
c) has shipped (hat versendet)
25. Employees ______ several training sessions so far.
have attended
a) attend (besuchen)
b) attended (besuchten)
c) have attended (haben besucht)
26. The IT department ______ the network issues last month.
a) fixes (repariert)
b) fixed (reparierte)
c) has fixed (hat repariert)
27. The marketing team ______ a new branding strategy recently.
has created
a) creates (erstellt)
b) created (erstellte)
c) has created (hat erstellt)
28. The manager ______ the employee performance reviews yesterday.
a) reviews (prüft)
b) reviewed (prüfte)
c) has reviewed (hat geprüft)
29. The sales team ______ more than 50 clients this quarter.
has contacted
a) contacts (kontaktiert)
b) contacted (kontaktierte)
c) has contacted (hat kontaktiert)
30. The CEO ______ all regional branches last year.
a) visits (besucht)
b) visited (besuchte)
c) has visited (hat besucht)