Business Englisch Redewendungen-1
Business Englisch Redewendungen-1 | Business Englisch Lernen
Ich habe Listen mit Redewendungen in Geschäftsenglisch erstellt. Diese sind mit Audios zur Aussprache versehen. Nach jedem Satz müssen Sie auf den Pfeil auf dem Audio klicken, um es zu stoppen und den Satz nachzusprechen. Achten Sie dabei auf die Aussprache der Wörter, die Intonation und die Melodie. Auf diese Weise können Sie lernen, besser zu sprechen und auch wichtige Redewendungen in Business English zu lernen.
A: "Thank you for your email."
B: "I'll get back to you as soon as possible."
A: "Could you check this issue for me?"
B: "I'll look into it and get back to you."
A: "I'm not sure what you mean."
B: "Could you please clarify?"
A: "We need to discuss the project details."
B: "Let's schedule a meeting."
A: "Can you handle this task?"
B: "I'll take care of it."
A: "Where's the report I asked for?"
B: "Please find the attached document."
A: "The costs are higher than expected."
B: "We need to discuss the budget."
A: "Thanks for stepping in today."
B: "I'm happy to help."
A: "We need some fresh ideas for this campaign."
B: "Let's brainstorm some ideas."
A: "Is there any progress on the report?"
B: "Do you have any updates?"
A: "When should we talk about this again?"
B: "Let's follow up on this tomorrow."
A: "Can you send me the details for the meeting?"
B: "I'll send you the details."
A: "We can't afford delays on this project."
B: "We need to meet our deadlines."
A: "Will you finish it by Friday?"
B: "I'll make sure it's done on time."
A: "I don’t fully understand the context."
B: "Could you provide some more information?"
A: "This problem is getting out of hand."
B: "Let's find a solution."
A: "Do we agree on the next steps?"
B: "Yes, we're on the same page."
A: "This contract looks complicated."
B: "We need to review the contract."
A: "The team did an excellent job this week."
B: "I appreciate your hard work."
A: "This approach isn’t working."
B: "Let's think outside the box."
A: "I’m a bit confused about the process."
B: "Please let me know if you have any questions."
A: "We have too many tasks right now."
B: "We need to prioritize our tasks."
A: "Let's stay in touch about this project."
B: "Let's keep each other updated."
A: "Should we get the team together for this?"
B: "I'll arrange a conference call."
A: "The workflow is taking too long."
B: "We need to improve our efficiency."
A: "Who will manage the event logistics?"
B: "I'll handle the logistics."
A: "Does everyone understand the plan?"
B: "Let's make sure everyone is on board."
A: "These expenses are too high."
B: "We need to cut costs."
A: "When will we finalize the meeting plans?"
B: "I'll send out the agenda for the meeting."
A: "When can we revisit this topic?"
B: "Let's touch base later this week."
A: "Thank you for your email."
B: "I'll get back to you as soon as possible."
A: "Could you check this issue for me?"
B: "I'll look into it and get back to you."
A: "I'm not sure what you mean."
B: "Could you please clarify?"
A: "We need to discuss the project details."
B: "Let's schedule a meeting."
A: "Can you handle this task?"
B: "I'll take care of it."
A: "Where's the report I asked for?"
B: "Please find the attached document."
A: "The costs are higher than expected."
B: "We need to discuss the budget."
A: "Thanks for stepping in today."
B: "I'm happy to help."
A: "We need some fresh ideas for this campaign."
B: "Let's brainstorm some ideas."
A: "Is there any progress on the report?"
B: "Do you have any updates?"
A: "When should we talk about this again?"
B: "Let's follow up on this tomorrow."
A: "Can you send me the details for the meeting?"
B: "I'll send you the details."
A: "We can't afford delays on this project."
B: "We need to meet our deadlines."
A: "Will you finish it by Friday?"
B: "I'll make sure it's done on time."
A: "I don’t fully understand the context."
B: "Could you provide some more information?"
A: "This problem is getting out of hand."
B: "Let's find a solution."
A: "Do we agree on the next steps?"
B: "Yes, we're on the same page."
A: "This contract looks complicated."
B: "We need to review the contract."
A: "The team did an excellent job this week."
B: "I appreciate your hard work."
A: "This approach isn’t working."
B: "Let's think outside the box."
A: "I’m a bit confused about the process."
B: "Please let me know if you have any questions."
A: "We have too many tasks right now."
B: "We need to prioritize our tasks."
A: "Let's stay in touch about this project."
B: "Let's keep each other updated."
A: "Should we get the team together for this?"
B: "I'll arrange a conference call."
A: "The workflow is taking too long."
B: "We need to improve our efficiency."
A: "Who will manage the event logistics?"
B: "I'll handle the logistics."
A: "Does everyone understand the plan?"
B: "Let's make sure everyone is on board."
A: "These expenses are too high."
B: "We need to cut costs."
A: "When will we finalize the meeting plans?"
B: "I'll send out the agenda for the meeting."
A: "When can we revisit this topic?"
B: "Let's touch base later this week."
- "Thank you for your email."
- "I'll look into it and get back to you."
- "Could you please clarify?"
- "Let's schedule a meeting."
- "I'll take care of it."
- "Please find attached the document."
- "We need to discuss the budget."
- "I'm happy to help."
- "Let's brainstorm some ideas."
- "Do you have any updates?"
- "Let's follow up on this tomorrow."
- "I'll send you the details."
- "We need to meet our deadlines."
- "I'll make sure it's done on time."
- "Could you provide some more information?"
- "Let's find a solution."
- "We're on the same page."
- "We need to review the contract."
- "I appreciate your hard work."
- "Let's think outside the box."
- "Please let me know if you have any questions."
- "We need to prioritize our tasks."
- "Let's keep each other updated."
- "I'll arrange a conference call."
- "We need to improve our efficiency."
- "I'll handle the logistics."
- "Let's make sure everyone is on board."
- "We need to cut costs."
- "I'll send out the agenda for the meeting."
- "Let's touch base later this week."
- "Thank you for your email." (Vielen Dank für Ihre E-Mail.)
- "I'll look into it and get back to you." (Ich werde das überprüfen und mich dann bei Ihnen melden.)
- "Could you please clarify?" (Könnten Sie das bitte näher erläutern?)
- "Let's schedule a meeting." (Lassen Sie uns ein Treffen vereinbaren.)
- "I'll take care of it." (Ich werde mich darum kümmern.)
- "Please find attached the document." (Bitte finden Sie das Dokument im Anhang.)
- "We need to discuss the budget." (Wir müssen das Budget besprechen.)
- "I'm happy to help." (Ich helfe Ihnen gerne.)
- "Let's brainstorm some ideas." (Lassen Sie uns einige Ideen sammeln.)
- "Do you have any updates?" (Haben Sie irgendwelche Neuigkeiten?)
- "Let's follow up on this tomorrow." (Lassen Sie uns das morgen weiterverfolgen.)
- "I'll send you the details." (Ich werde Ihnen die Details zusenden.)
- "We need to meet our deadlines." (Wir müssen unsere Fristen einhalten.)
- "I'll make sure it's done on time." (Ich werde sicherstellen, dass es rechtzeitig erledigt wird.)
- "Could you provide some more information?" (Könnten Sie weitere Informationen bereitstellen?)
- "Let's find a solution." (Lassen Sie uns eine Lösung finden.)
- "We're on the same page." (Wir sind einer Meinung.)
- "We need to review the contract." (Wir müssen den Vertrag überprüfen.)
- "I appreciate your hard work." (Ich schätze Ihre harte Arbeit.)
- "Let's think outside the box." (Lassen Sie uns über den Tellerrand hinausdenken.)
- "Please let me know if you have any questions." (Bitte lassen Sie es mich wissen, wenn Sie Fragen haben.)
- "We need to prioritize our tasks." (Wir müssen unsere Aufgaben priorisieren.)
- "Let's keep each other updated." (Lassen Sie uns gegenseitig auf dem Laufenden halten.)
- "I'll arrange a conference call." (Ich werde eine Telefonkonferenz organisieren.)
- "We need to improve our efficiency." (Wir müssen unsere Effizienz verbessern.)
- "I'll handle the logistics." (Ich werde die Logistik übernehmen.)
- "Let's make sure everyone is on board." (Lassen Sie uns sicherstellen, dass alle an Bord sind.)
- "We need to cut costs." (Wir müssen Kosten einsparen.)
- "I'll send out the agenda for the meeting." (Ich werde die Tagesordnung für das Treffen verschicken.)
- "Let's touch base later this week." (Lassen Sie uns später in dieser Woche kurz sprechen.)