Business Englisch Vokabeln-4
Business Englisch Vokabeln-4 | Business Englisch Lernen
Choose the Correct word and then click on the blank to see the answer
"Sustainable _______ is the key to long-term success in the business world."
a. Initial Public Offering (IPO) (Börsengang)
b. Diversification (Diversifikation)
c. Growth (Wachstum)
"The rapid pace of _______ advancement is transforming industries worldwide."
a. Technology (Technologie)
b. Foreign Exchange (Forex) (Devisen)
c. Franchise (Franchise)
"Understanding the needs of the _______ is essential for delivering exceptional service."
a. Public Relations (PR) (Öffentlichkeitsarbeit)
b. Customer (Kunde)
c. Market Segmentation (Marktsegmentierung)
"Effective _______ creates a strong and memorable business identity."
a. Trade Agreement (Handelsabkommen)
b. Net (Netto)
c. Branding (Branding)
"Consistent high _______ is a valuable asset for any employee."
a. Performance (Leistung)
b. Incentive Program (Anreizprogramm)
c. Economic Forecast (Wirtschaftsprognose)
"Effective _______ is crucial for achieving business objectives."
a. Management (Management)
b. Cost-Benefit Analysis (Kosten-Nutzen-Analyse)
c. Strategic Alliances (Strategische Allianzen)
"Accurate _______ helps businesses plan for the future."
a. Sales Forecast (Umsatzprognose)
b. Business Expansion (Geschäftserweiterung)
c. Corporate Strategy (Unternehmensstrategie)
"Efficient _______ management is critical to avoid overstocking or shortages."
a. Business Ethics (Unternehmensethik)
b. Market Trend (Markttrend)
c. Inventory (Inventar)
"The process of _______ has connected businesses worldwide."
a. Globalization (Globalisierung)
b. Corporate Culture (Unternehmenskultur)
c. Market Research (Marktforschung)
"A flexible _______ can inspire and motivate a team."
a. Quality Control (Qualitätskontrolle)
b. Networking (Netzwerken)
c. Leadership Style (Führungsstil)