Business Idioms-Sales-1
Business Idioms-Sales-1 | Business Englisch Lernen
Sales Idioms Exercise
Choose the Correct Idiom and then click on the blank to see the answer
Exercise 1:
"After a lot of explaining about the product, they finally ________ and the customer agreed to buy it." (das Geschäft abschließen)a. Closed the deal
b. On the fence
c. Break the ice
Exercise 2:
"The customer couldn't decide if they wanted the red shirt or the blue one. They stood there, ________, thinking for a while." (Zwischen den Stühlen)a. Close the deal
b. On the fence
c. Break the ice
Exercise 3:
"When the salesman smiled and asked about their day, it helped ________ and made the customer feel more comfortable." (das Eis brechen)a. Close the deal
b. On the fence
c. Break the ice
Exercise 5: Exercise 6: Exercise 7: Exercise 8: Exercise 9: Exercise 10: Exercise 12: Exercise 13: Exercise 14: Exercise 15: Exercise 16: Exercise 17: Exercise 18: Exercise 19:
a. Hit the ground running
b. Smooth talker
c. Foot in the door
a. Hit the ground running
b. Smooth talker
c. Foot in the door
a. Hard sell
b. Under the radar
c. Pitch in
a. Hard sell
b. Under the radar
c. Pitch in
a. Hard sell
b. Under the radar
c. Pitch in
a. Golden opportunity
b. Price tag shock
c. Close the loop
a. Golden opportunity
b. Price tag shock
c. Close the loop
a. Door-to-door
b. Fish for compliments
c. Caught someone's eye
a. Door-to-door
b. Fish for compliments
c. Caught someone's eye
a. Door-to-door
b. Fish for compliments
c. Caught someone's eye
a. Lead the pack
b. Drop the ball
c. Cut corners
a. Lead the pack
b. Drop the ball
c. Cut corners
a. Lead the pack
b. Drop the ball
c. Cut corners
a. Put your money where your mouth is
b. Carrot and stick approach
c. Drop the ball