Polite Phrases-1
Polite Phrases-1| Business Englisch Lernen
Ich habe Listen mit Redewendungen in Geschäftsenglisch erstellt. Diese sind mit Audios zur Aussprache versehen. Nach jedem Satz müssen Sie auf den Pfeil auf dem Audio klicken, um es zu stoppen und den Satz nachzusprechen. Achten Sie dabei auf die Aussprache der Wörter, die Intonation und die Melodie. Auf diese Weise können Sie lernen, besser zu sprechen und auch wichtige Redewendungen in Business English zu lernen.
Dialogue 1 A:"Can I help you?" B: Maybe, I'm looking for the nearest coffee shop. A: There's one down there, on the corner. B: Oh, thank you very much. Dialogue 2 A: Here's the book you asked for. B: "Thank you very much!" I really needed this for my project. A: You're welcome, glad I could help! Dialogue 3 A: Is this seat taken? B: No, please go ahead. Dialogue 4 A: Shall we go in? B: "After you!" A: Oh, thank you. Dialogue 5 B: "Pardon me, I didn't mean to interrupt,". A: Oh, that's no problem. How can I help you? Dialogue 6 A: Thanks for lending me your notes. B: "You're welcome, anytime." Dialogue 7 A: Can you help me set this up? B: "Sure, I'd be happy to." Dialogue 8 A: Do you mind if I take this chair? B: "Of course. Help yourself." Dialogue 9 A: Thanks for helping me move these heavy boxes. B: "My pleasure, anytime." Dialogue 10 A: That dessert looks amazing. B: "Would you like some?" Dialogue 11 A: Why is the power out again? B: "Apologies for the inconvenience." We're working on fixing it. Dialogue 12 A: "Let me get that for you." B: Oh, that's so nice of you. Dialogue 13 A: Thanks for organizing the files for me. B: "No problem, happy to assist." Dialogue 14 A: "May I ask a question?" B: Yes, feel free! Dialogue 15 A: Can I borrow your pen for a moment? B: "Certainly, here you are." Dialogue 16 A: "Sorry to bother you, but do you have a minute?" B: "Yes, how can I help?" Dialogue 17 A: "I appreciate your patience." Now how can I help you?B: I would like to speak to Mr Smith. Dialogue 18 A: Can I get a coffee, please? B: "Here you go, enjoy!" Dialogue 20 A: We're going for a hike later. B: "Would you like to join?" A: Sure, that sounds great! Dialogue 21 A: My hands are full, could you...? B: "Of course, I'll hold the door for you." Dialogue 22 B: "I beg your pardon." Could you repeat what you just said?A: I just said, it's loud in here. Dialogue 23 A: Please review these forms carefully. B: Will do. A: "Thanks for your cooperation." Dialogue 24 A: Could you explain that one more time? B: "Of course, my pleasure." Dialogue 25 A: That coffee smells wonderful. B: "Would you care for some?" Dialogue 27 A: Can you adjust the lighting a bit? B: "Happy to accommodate you." Dialogue 28 A: Isn't the meeting starting late. B: "Yes, Mmy apologies for the delay." Dialogue 29 B: "I appreciate your kindness." A: Don't mention it. |